+91 9411569469       mciteducation@gmail.com



mcit education

MySQL Course

We first discuss very basics of MySQL and why the database is popular over other options. We then move on to table design. Table design is the heart of your application, because it determines the way your data is stored. It also determines the effectiveness of data integrity, which protects your data from corruption and inaccuracies. A good table design is paramount for quality software, and we help you understand data design and modeling.

Course Material : 1 Book + Beg + Membership Card + Student Portal Ac

Duration : 1 Month

  1. MYSQL Server Basics
  2. Database models
  3. ER Model Overview
  4. Data types
  5. Understanding Test Database
  6. Basics Queries
  7. Removing Duplicates
  8. Data Filters Using Operators
  1. Grouping
  2. Joins
  3. Arithmetic and String functions
  4. Advanced Functions
  5. SET Operators
  6. Creating Complex Queries
  7. DML operations - Insert, Update & Delete
  1. Database Objects - Create, Alter and Drop Tables
  2. Complex Views
  3. Advanced Index Concepts
  4. How Data is Stored
  5. Security - User Management
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